In need of a little inspiration? Our Spring/Summer trend magazine for 2022 is now available in our webshop.
These are the four trend themes included in our trend magazine; Hayloft, Horizon, Hideaway and Happiness. So give your creativity a boost by leafing through our magazine, it’s packed full of ideas, images and items from our new Spring/Summer collection 2022 to match every theme.
Contact us to get your copy!
T +31 (0)40 259 0 359 | E

Theme videos with yet more ideas and inspiration
Go to our YouTube-channel to see our Spring/Summer 2022 videos. For a sneak peek, click on the video below!
Let’s get social!
Ga naar onze Instagram-pagina voor meer inspirerende beelden en de laatste trends op het gebied van kunstbloemen en -planten. Of ga naar ons YouTube kanaal voor nog meer trend-video’s.